Sunday 11 April 2010

Gaudi Green - Comillas

The tiles of El Capricho de Gaudi are a  soft green evocative of artichokes - Gaudi designed this Summer House in Comillas  The house is decorated with ceramic sunflowers and typical Gaudiesque flourishes including wrought benches that face inwards to the house, and a magnificent tower. 
Gaudi Green

El Capicho de Gaudi

The Tower of El Capicho

Comillas, on the north coast, is one of the stops on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella. Pilgrims here are called Peregrinos, which gives a new twist to the name Peregrine. The Peregrinos are big business here, and all needs of the flesh are catered for. Pilgrimages go better with Coca Cola. 
Pilgrimages go better with Coca Cola

Back to more earthly matters - the lively market here is full of beans.  

Ready for Alice's Bean Soup - Deliciosa
Market Girl - Comillas

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