Thursday, 8 April 2010

Aquamarine - Land Ahoy

Helen has just spotted the Spanish coast. Of course, I have had her up in the crow's nest for a few hours and she is shivering with cold but i wanted to be the first to let you know that Spain is in sight. After 24 hours afloat, we feel like old sea dogs - there are even kennels up on the top deck for the real dogs.


The sea has been all sorts of colours from grey in theUK to black at night to a real aquamarine off the Spanish coast.
Marina, AquaMarina was our favourite character in Stingray. A beautiful green-haired woman who didn't speak, but swam like a fish, she inspired me to paint my hair green as a small child.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds beautiful - can you post some photos as well?

